KCA makes submissions to reviews and discussions of topics that are relevant to our Mission and our Members – part of our role is influencing relevant policy debates. Submissions from recent history are linked below.
- Submission – KCA Prebudget 2023-24 (2023)
- Submission – KCA Research Block Grant Reform (2022)
- Submission – University Research Commercialisation Scheme (2021)
- Submission – Innovation Metrics Review (2019)
- Submission to the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Bill (2018)
- Submission to the Inquiry into Funding Australia’s Research
- Submission to the IP Toolkit
- Submission to IP Australia providing feedback on the updated IP Toolkit for collaboration (2017)
- Submission to Innovation and Science Australia in response to their request for feedback on their proposed 2030 strategic plan for the future of Australian innovation, science and research (2017)
- Submission to the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science in response to their request for an evaluation of the Accelerating Commercialisation component of the Entrepreneurs’ Program (2016)
- Submission to the Department of Industry in response to their “Review of the NSRC Survey” discussion paper (2015)
- Submission to the Department of Industry in response to their “Boosting the commercial returns from research” discussion paper (2014)
- Submission to the Department of Industry on the Entrepreneur Infrastructure Program Consultation (2014)
- Submission to the Department of Industry in response to the request for recommendations for a proposed “IP Toolkit for Collaboration” (2014)
- Submission to the Department of Industry & Innovation in response to discussion paper “Assessing the wider benefits arising from university-based research” (2013)
- Submission to Small Business Tax Division regarding “Targeting Access: R&D Tax Incentive” (2013)
- Submission in response to the Business Tax Working Group Discussion Paper (2012)
- Submission to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research & Tertiary Education in response to Issues Paper: “A Review of Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Skills in Australia” (2012)
- Submission to the Advisory Council on Intellectual Property – Collaborations between the Public & Private Sectors: The Role of Intellectual Property (2011)
- Submission to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science and Research in response to R&D Tax Credit Draft Regulations and Decision Making Principles (2011)
- Submission to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science and Research – Input on Program for a Commonwealth Commercialisation Institute (2009)
- Submission “Exemptions to Patent Infringement” – Ensuring that patents do not inhibit research and development in Australia (2009)
- Submission “Getting the Balance Right” – Raising patentability standards and giving greater certainty in the validity of granted patents (2009)
- Submission in response to the Review of the National Innovation System – “Public Sector Innovations, Commercialisation and Knowledge Transfer” (2008)
We also advocate for improvements to the design and funding of Federal and State Government support for commercialisation activities.
If you are interested in a KCA submission or in KCA making a new submission on a current topic please contact us.