IPBC Australasia
IPBC Australasia, supported by KCA Australasia, will take place on 7 September 2023 at the Sheraton Melbourne Hotel.
You can expect:
Senior representatives from Canon, PolyNovo, Rio Tinto, RMIT University, The Iconic, University of Melbourne, Vocus Communications, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Who Gives A Crap, and more.
9 hours of high-level, practical panel discussions covering IP trademark strategies, maximising effective AI use, and how to create an IP department of the future.
2+ hours of networking breaks with more than 150 industry peers from Australasia and beyond.
View the agenda here.
KCA Members from IP owning (operating), government representatives and academia can register for free. IP owners (non-operating) and law firm professionals can register at the early rate.